My mission


I believe the longevity of our little Roadster tribe will be dependent on our connection with one another and what I’ve found out is if we push our current standards and uphold higher ones, we can preserve our tribe and keep the Roadster platform alive. My contribution to this is by hosting quality Miata events, showing the potential of these cars, help people build real life-long friendships, traveling to connect with those outside of my area, and so much more.

I am embarking on a journey to transcend societal norms and be the change in the community I want to happen.




Rest Stop Roadster - An event made specifically for road tripping meaning all RSR events take place in states outside of my own (Oregon). The RSR brand represents my dedication to connecting the Roadster community at all costs, one city at a time.

CAFE LOTUS - My largest event of the year, this is the one that counts! Taking place along the beautiful Columbia River, Miata owners from all over the PNW come together for a big Roadster jamboree!

The Private Club - A Miata club that I’ve created here in the PNW. We do drives, meets, camping, BBQs, road trips; all sorts of adventures. A very tailored group of individuals all wanting to do more for the community. You can go to one of my monthly meets to see if you like the energy & decide if these are the people you want to break bread with. If you’ve already been and want to become a member you can go here.


Upcoming Event

September 7th

Golden Corral

Join us for another year of Miata fun in the beautiful PNW! We’ll be having a raffle and group photo at 7:30! The Golden Corral will be working with us to make this event as memorable as possible. They offered a private section of the restaurant for you to eat with your friends and cool off, so you could come back to the event refreshed!